Friday, February 15, 2013

I can't deal with February

The month is kind of inconvenient. I’m reminded of this every year when I have fewer days to send my mortgage payment. It’s not like we’re going into default or anything but I have my schedule. I get paid and then write the check and in February, I have two or three fewer days to do that.

President’s Day also cuts into that because it’s a bank holiday and I have less time to mail the checks. (Yes, I still mail everything. I have no patience for online bill paying, since I am sometimes forced to alter my user name since someone already has it, or add numbers or capital letters to my standard passwords, so I will forget these and have to reset the passwords and I am very easily frustrated by that type of thing. Plus, I like to support the Post Office.) This year the holiday falls right after payday, so it will screw me up a little.

The other annoying thing about February is it’s during this month that our sewer tax is due. I have no idea what this is for but I have this reflex where an official-sounding agency tells me I owe them money and I sigh and write the check. I forget this is due every year so I don’t factor it into the budget and it just makes things inconvenient. February is probably the worst time this tax could be due because I’m recovering from Christmas spending and then there’s this big, non-negotiable lump that I have to pay. I wish the county would just add this tax onto my mortgage escrow. It would be nothing to pay $25 a month but that $300 is irritating.

The shorter month also makes our magazine’s deadline extra annoying. There’s more of a time crunch to finish. Then after we’re finished with print, I have fewer days to get the website together by March 1.

I just want to get through February and make it to the 12 Days of March …

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