Friday, March 20, 2015

Th Amer S E: Divestm

Martha gets called on the carpet by Walter Taffet, who is investigating the bugged pen in Gaad’s office. She is understandably squirrely as she put the bug in the pen. There are many questions about office supply protocol. Then Taffet interviews Agent Aderholt. And then they …

Paige is in the library looking up newspaper articles on microfiche. She finds an article about Gregory, the Jennings family friend, who was a civil rights activist. And then she …

Over in the Soviet Union, Nina finds out that her sentence will be much reduced if she can get close to the Israeli defector scientist and ensure he is still committed to the cause. And then she …

In the most horrific murder scene thus far, the South African executes the pro-apartheid guy by putting a tire around his torso and lighting him on fire. This disturbs even the hardened Elizabeth and Philip. The Jennings later let the other South African go after finding the bomb he planted. And then they …

No, you’re not having a stroke. The reason this review is so disjointed is because we got about halfway before Comcast’s on demand crapped out on us. Thanx. I wasn’t at all interested in how any of the storylines panned out on my favorite show. It froze up and we couldn’t get it to unpause and just stopped watching because it was getting late and we are old. Nothing like paying exorbitant cable fees and then not being able to do something simple like watch a TV show. We only turned to Comcast anyway because The Americans was not yet available on Amazon instant video. We will try again and hopefully I will have a full review Monday.

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