Thursday, September 8, 2016

What We Did/What We Do

Seatowne settles into me and I am never more poetic. So I search for a symbol in every whitecap flaring on the horizon.

This week need not be profound. We waited for pork tenderloin to brown and I reheated the pink pieces in the oven. We repurposed onions and carrots for a salad. We walked to the evening dock, then poured a mixed drink at home. We sat out and ate dinner with the bolts and sheets of lightning illuminating our plates and our faces. We tried to discern through smell or sound whether that was rain that was falling. We sat out and laughed about that moment of upstairs-downstairs chaos in the rain. We sat out and laughed til way, way late.

The metaphors and meanings disappear. It is enough to remember it straight out. This is what we did. This is what we do.

September 13, 2013

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