Monday, June 17, 2013

Apropos of Nothing

Isn’t Flag Day redundant? Memorial Day and Fourth of July are only five weeks apart and both of those are basically “flag days” anyway. Do we really need another America holiday in between those two? I did agree that it was inappropriate for HGTV to suggest using an actual American flag as a tablecloth for a patriotic BBQ. There’s a huge difference between having a tablecloth that’s a representation of a flag and an actual flag with potato salad stains on it.

If you serve crackers, put out flat slices of cheese. Cheese cubes don’t fit well on the crackers and it just gets awkward.

I’m spending as little money in Pennsylvania as possible now. I figure that if Steve and I can’t move back there because the state won’t recognize our marriage, then to hell with them. They won’t get my sales tax. I’m supporting Delaware as much as possible. I’ve switched from the Philadelphia Inquirer to the Delaware News Journal and from Yuengling to Dogfish Head.

I’m working on scanning all my newspaper clippings and it’s really amazing to see just how much I wrote over those years at the paper. I had forgotten a lot of the people I interviewed and can’t believe I sat through all those night meetings. It’s much easier to digitize all this than have all the clips take up space in the basement. I’m on a quest to dig us out of the pile of crap in the garage.

God, Sheena Easton was the worst.

Am I naïve to believe that the people should have some idea of what the government is doing to protect us? Am I naïve to believe that if there are trade-offs to be made of liberty for safety that the people should make those trade-offs rather than having the government do it and only tell us when the administration’s back is against the wall?

I am happy with our new deck furniture. I’m just hoping that the flowers I planted come back. The deck faces due west with no shade so it’s hard to keep things alive.

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