Thursday, June 20, 2013

Great concert,!!!

Last weekend we saw a concert by!!! It was a great show!!! It was at the Union Transfer, which is a charming little venue!!! I’d never been there before!!!

The show was basically a 90-minute dance party!!! Everyone was packed into the small space and dancing all night!!! Given the fan base, there were a lot of hipsters!!! So we saw a lot of tight jeans, patterned leggings and glasses with excessively large lenses!!!

As expected, the setlist drew heavily on the band’s latest album, Thr!!!er!!! So there was the jubilant “Californiyeah” alongside the relatively mellow “Even When the Water’s Cold”!!! There were some choice selections from past albums, including the eponymous debut and Louden Up Now!!! “Jamie, My Intentions Are Bass” was pretty good!!! My favorites were from my favorite of the band’s album, Myth Takes!!! I loved the syncopated hiccup of “All My Heroes Are Weirdoes,” the jittery “Must Be the Moon” and the best song in the set, “Heart of Hearts”!!! Its cacophonous, chaotic ending brought the house down!!!

The lead singer is a piece of work!!! He performed in a T-shirt and short swim trunks printed with the album cover of the Rolling Stones’ Some Girls!!! A few times during the show, he left the stage to dance among the crowd, which was fun!!! At one point, he was perched somewhat precariously on a railing overlooking the audience!!! A piece of the drummer’s equipment broke so the singer spent the dead time telling stories and taking questions from the crowd!!!

They had a great band!!! There was the rhythm guitar, bass, several keyboards and not one but two drummers!!! During the show, the singer called his genre dance rock!!! I had heard of this before and never knew what this style meant!!! Since I really like the vibe of this band, I guess I’m a fan of dance rock!!!

The name of that genre always puzzled me a little, like someone had to come up with a specific name for something that had always seemed obvious to me: Rock music you could dance to!!! I feel like rock music started out as danceable and only later turned into something ponderous, something people only sat at parties and talked about, rather than cutting loose and letting the groove move them!!!

Tickets were only $15!!! This is refreshingly cheap for a concert!!! For little more than the cost of a movie ticket, we had a much better experience than most of the movies I’ve seen at the theater lately!!!

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