Friday, June 14, 2013

Is it still raining? I hadn't noticed

Did it rain yesterday? I was only vaguely aware. It was dark and threatening as I walked into the office but I beat the rain. People who came in after me got soaked but I didn’t notice the rain outside. By the time I left work, the blacktop was dry.

The reason I’m so out of it regarding meteorology is that my office does not have a window. The only windows nearby are those in people’s offices so I have to go out of my way to see what’s going on outside. I don’t often go out for lunch so I mostly spend my eight hours with nothing to look at. As a result, my skin has that healthy fluorescent glow.

During the week, I mostly experience the weather as updated information online. The real world is that close to me and I just can’t see it. This can be positive or negative.

The negative is that I often miss beautiful summer days as I toil away in my cave. I can walk outside and it might have been a beautiful day but I haven’t seen it. I also miss my thunderstorms and usually can barely hear the thunder outside. Sometimes I do try to get out at lunch just so I have some sense of the outside world. It also helps to have that work from home day once a week. I find I do get more done and am more serene at work when I can actually open a window or see the sun. Some people “work from home” when they work from home but I actually work from home.

There are actually some positives to not seeing the weather. For the most part, I am isolated from the annual winter freak-out whenever the first snowflake falls. I don’t have to watch people pressed up against the window in wonderment, as if they are people from the Sudan who have never seen snow or ice. I also don’t have to listen to people break down in hysterics over it being “BAD OUT.” I just get my work done and go home. Someday I will lift my head up from my desk and leave the office and a blizzard will have fallen while I was working unawares. I will then be trapped at work … forever.

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